Good Tuesday morning and =
happy March!
“For You have =
worked wonders, plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness.”
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nbsp; -Isaiah 25:1 NA=
Father God thank You for the m=
iracles and wonders in my life! I praise You with all that I am! I get stre=
ngth only from You Lord and I live my life to please You more! I fall very =
short each and everyday but I know Your grace is enough to cover my imperfe=
ction and sin! I love You and surrender all to You in the life changing nam=
e of Jesus Christ!
I hope you have a blessed day,
Travis B. Conti
1020 S. Creyts Rd.
Lansing, MI. 48917
Cell 1-517=
Fax 1-877-797-8677 &=
-Luke 1:37
#1 in Sales and &nb=
sp;Marketing in the Greater Lansing Area for Over 40 Years
bsp; "Reputation is Importan=
t...but Character is Priceless!" =
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