ood afternoon!
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about what ha=
ppens to you.”
i> &nb=
sp; =
sp; -1 Peter 5:7
Father in Heaven=
I come humbly to You in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ. I confess that =
I feel overwhelmed some days and out of sorts. Living in this world today i=
s stressful and exhausting and I really want to isolate and hide. I confess=
that I forget to come to You for help. Right now God I praise You for the =
help You are going to give me in advance! I claim victory over worry and so=
rrow. Please help all those who are going through difficulties at home or a=
t work. Please God help us out of the darkness of life and give us new hope=
that You have our backs and that everything will be okay! I surrender all =
to You in Jesus name…AMEN!
God bless!
Travis B. Conti
at =
Cell 1-517-930-1721
Fax 1-877-797-8677
-Philippians 4:13  =
quot;Reputation is Important...but Character is Priceless!"=