d morning and may the Lord bless you with peace today! As the disciples met=
this event was recorded:
“And everyone present was filled with the holy Spirit and began speak=
ing in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.”
sp; =
sp; =
-Acts 2:4 NLT
Father God Thank You for Your Holy W=
ord! Please don’t let us be misled by the deceivers of this world we =
live in. Please give us discernment to know when You are speaking and pleas=
e speak through us Lord so that we may reach this lost world. We are so gra=
teful for all the miracles in our lives! We confess that we are sinners in =
need of a Savior and we humbly ask You to empower us to make decisions that=
bring You honor and glory. Help us to speak the language of love to those =
in need of a hand up. We love You Lord and we surrender all to You in Jesus=
name we pray…AMEN!
nks again and have a blessed day!
Travis B. Conti
Cell 1-517-930-1721
Fax 1-877-797-8677
"Reputation is =
Important...but Character is Priceless!"